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Monday 30 October 2023

States With The Most Single-Parent Households

The COVID-19 pandemic came with serious consequences for all families in the U.S., what with the transition of classrooms into the home, the constant threat of serious illness, and the loss of work for many parents. The pandemic was particularly debilitating for single-parent households—especially those headed by women, who still bear the brunt of domestic work.

Single-parent households already dealt with disproportionately high economic precarity compared to dual-parent households and other family structures prior to the pandemic. Between frequently relying on a single income, the expense of childcare, and a lack of robust resources available to help and protect single parents, these households experienced higher levels of economic insecurity than others. However, the onset of the pandemic widened existing disparities partially because of the concentrated effects of school and childcare closures.

RELATED: Best Counties to Raise a Family in Michigan

As of 2019, the U.S. had the highest percentage of single-parent households in the world, with millions of solo guardians struggling to make ends meet on one income while performing all the labor of parenting day in and day out. Single parents are often faced with difficult or even impossible choices: whether to pay rent or buy food and whether to go to work or take care of a child.

The problem is even worse for single parents working low wage jobs, 93% of whom had no access to paid family and medical leave as of 2018. (As of 2022, 60% of the lowest 10% of all wage workers cannot earn paid sick days, compared to just 4% of the highest 10% of earners.)

To determine the states with the most single-parent households, Stacker used data from the U.S. Census American Community Survey 2021 five-year estimates. The survey data was collected in 2021 and released in 2022.

All 50 states and Washington D.C. are ranked here according to the share of households that have single parents, classified as either “Male householder, no wife present, children of the householder under 18 years” or “Female householder, no husband present, children of the householder under 18 years.” Census categories currently fail to capture the full scope of potential LGBTQ+ family relationships and identities. Along with each state, information about the breakdown of single parents, as well as the total number of married couples with kids, is provided.

Continue reading to find out more about the states with the most single-parent households.

51. Hawaii

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Caleb Walsh
  • Single-parent households: 21,714 (4.6% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 16,032 (3.4% of all households, #50 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 5,682 (1.2% of all households, #37 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 87,916 (18.4% of all households, #22 highest)

50. New Hampshire

Photo credit: Shutterstock/LightField Studios
  • Single-parent households: 24,778 (4.6% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 18,668 (3.5% of all households, #48 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 6,110 (1.1% of all households, #47 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 95,517 (17.7% of all households, #29 highest)

49. Maine

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Ilona Titova
  • Single-parent households: 26,257 (4.6% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 19,541 (3.4% of all households, #49 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 6,716 (1.2% of all households, #36 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 87,942 (15.4% of all households, #46 highest)

48. Montana

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Jon Bilous
  • Single-parent households: 21,507 (4.9% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 14,998 (3.4% of all households, #51 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 6,509 (1.5% of all households, #9 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 73,572 (16.9% of all households, #37 highest)

47. Vermont

Photo credit: Shutterstock/vermontalm
  • Single-parent households: 13,130 (5.0% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 10,028 (3.8% of all households, #45 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 3,102 (1.2% of all households, #39 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 39,575 (15.1% of all households, #49 highest)

46. West Virginia

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Steve Heap
  • Single-parent households: 35,764 (5.0% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 27,905 (3.9% of all households, #42 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 7,859 (1.1% of all households, #46 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 108,466 (15.2% of all households, #48 highest)

45. Utah

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Stellamc
  • Single-parent households: 53,042 (5.1% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 39,305 (3.8% of all households, #43 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 13,737 (1.3% of all households, #28 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 303,732 (29.4% of all households, #1 highest)

44. Wyoming

Photo credit: Shutterstock/GagliardiPhotography
  • Single-parent households: 11,959 (5.2% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 8,701 (3.8% of all households, #46 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 3,258 (1.4% of all households, #18 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 45,198 (19.6% of all households, #13 highest)

43. North Dakota

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Guy William
  • Single-parent households: 16,444 (5.2% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 12,014 (3.8% of all households, #44 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 4,430 (1.4% of all households, #17 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 59,443 (18.8% of all households, #18 highest)

42. Idaho

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Oliveromg
  • Single-parent households: 33,920 (5.2% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 24,389 (3.7% of all households, #47 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 9,531 (1.5% of all households, #8 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 146,016 (22.2% of all households, #3 highest)

41. Washington

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Alexsei Potov
  • Single-parent households: 151,954 (5.2% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 114,897 (3.9% of all households, #41 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 37,057 (1.3% of all households, #22 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 584,510 (19.9% of all households, #11 highest)

40. Oregon

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Ahturner
  • Single-parent households: 87,455 (5.3% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 66,173 (4.0% of all households, #40 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 21,282 (1.3% of all households, #26 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 295,138 (17.8% of all households, #27 highest)

39. Minnesota

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Checubus
  • Single-parent households: 121,366 (5.4% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 91,530 (4.1% of all households, #38 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 29,836 (1.3% of all households, #24 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 444,643 (19.9% of all households, #12 highest)

38. Colorado

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Jacob Boomsma
  • Single-parent households: 122,139 (5.5% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 88,089 (4.0% of all households, #39 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 34,050 (1.5% of all households, #6 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 448,753 (20.1% of all households, #8 highest)

37. South Dakota

Photo credit: Shutterstock/JaySi
  • Single-parent households: 19,285 (5.6% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 14,734 (4.3% of all households, #36 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 4,551 (1.3% of all households, #30 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 65,896 (19.1% of all households, #15 highest)

36. Iowa

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Jacob Boomsma
  • Single-parent households: 73,488 (5.8% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 56,065 (4.4% of all households, #35 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 17,423 (1.4% of all households, #14 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 241,826 (19.0% of all households, #16 highest)

35. Nebraska

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Aspects and Angles
  • Single-parent households: 45,353 (5.9% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 34,394 (4.5% of all households, #33 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 10,959 (1.4% of all households, #16 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 157,032 (20.5% of all households, #7 highest)

34. Kansas

Photo credit: Shutterstock/IrinaK
  • Single-parent households: 67,703 (5.9% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 51,845 (4.5% of all households, #32 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 15,858 (1.4% of all households, #15 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 227,443 (20.0% of all households, #9 highest)

33. Wisconsin

Photo credit: Shutterstock/James Meyer
  • Single-parent households: 142,024 (5.9% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 106,536 (4.4% of all households, #34 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 35,488 (1.5% of all households, #5 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 413,088 (17.2% of all households, #33 highest)

32. Massachusetts

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Newman Studio
  • Single-parent households: 159,427 (5.9% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 133,036 (4.9% of all households, #27 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 26,391 (1.0% of all households, #50 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 497,049 (18.3% of all households, #23 highest)

31. New Jersey

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Vlad G
  • Single-parent households: 201,547 (5.9% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 167,644 (4.9% of all households, #25 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 33,903 (1.0% of all households, #49 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 722,047 (21.3% of all households, #5 highest)

30. Alaska

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Ramunas Bruzas
  • Single-parent households: 15,493 (6.0% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 11,077 (4.3% of all households, #37 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 4,416 (1.7% of all households, #2 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 55,806 (21.4% of all households, #4 highest)

29. Pennsylvania

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Christian Hinkle
  • Single-parent households: 309,013 (6.0% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 246,207 (4.8% of all households, #30 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 62,806 (1.2% of all households, #31 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 865,873 (16.8% of all households, #38 highest)

28. California

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Sundry Photography
  • Single-parent households: 786,909 (6.0% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 614,747 (4.7% of all households, #31 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 172,162 (1.3% of all households, #19 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 2,780,272 (21.0% of all households, #6 highest)

27. Virginia

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Vinay Selvaraj
  • Single-parent households: 198,491 (6.1% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 160,205 (4.9% of all households, #26 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 38,286 (1.2% of all households, #34 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 647,650 (19.9% of all households, #10 highest)

26. Florida

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Kamira
  • Single-parent households: 498,573 (6.1% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 404,882 (5.0% of all households, #23 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 93,691 (1.1% of all households, #40 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 1,246,178 (15.3% of all households, #47 highest)

25. Michigan

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Felix Mizioznikov
  • Single-parent households: 246,353 (6.2% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 194,529 (4.9% of all households, #24 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 51,824 (1.3% of all households, #21 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 674,104 (17.0% of all households, #35 highest)

24. Illinois

Photo credit: Shutterstock/f11photo
  • Single-parent households: 307,888 (6.2% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 253,375 (5.1% of all households, #21 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 54,513 (1.1% of all households, #41 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 914,650 (18.6% of all households, #20 highest)

23. Missouri

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Real Window Creative
  • Single-parent households: 152,502 (6.3% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 119,199 (4.9% of all households, #29 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 33,303 (1.4% of all households, #12 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 428,858 (17.6% of all households, #31 highest)

22. New York

Photo credit: Shutterstock/TravnikovStudio
  • Single-parent households: 472,953 (6.3% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 396,893 (5.3% of all households, #17 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 76,060 (1.0% of all households, #48 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 1,287,324 (17.1% of all households, #34 highest)

21. Connecticut

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Jon Bilous
  • Single-parent households: 90,503 (6.4% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 74,605 (5.3% of all households, #18 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 15,898 (1.1% of all households, #44 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 256,971 (18.4% of all households, #21 highest)

20. Arizona

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Tim Roberts Photography
  • Single-parent households: 170,878 (6.4% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 131,613 (4.9% of all households, #28 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 39,265 (1.5% of all households, #4 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 471,715 (17.6% of all households, #30 highest)

19. Kentucky

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Felix Mizioznikov
  • Single-parent households: 114,047 (6.5% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 88,790 (5.1% of all households, #22 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 25,257 (1.4% of all households, #13 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 309,072 (17.7% of all households, #28 highest)

18. Indiana

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Brad Whitsitt
  • Single-parent households: 174,522 (6.6% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 137,388 (5.2% of all households, #20 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 37,134 (1.4% of all households, #11 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 478,486 (18.2% of all households, #24 highest)

17. Delaware

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Monkey Business Images
  • Single-parent households: 25,625 (6.7% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 20,494 (5.4% of all households, #16 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 5,131 (1.3% of all households, #29 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 58,930 (15.5% of all households, #45 highest)

16. Rhode Island

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Jacob L.
  • Single-parent households: 28,496 (6.7% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 23,446 (5.5% of all households, #14 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 5,050 (1.2% of all households, #38 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 68,447 (16.0% of all households, #44 highest)

15. Ohio

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Sean Pavone
  • Single-parent households: 320,166 (6.7% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 257,550 (5.4% of all households, #15 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 62,616 (1.3% of all households, #20 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 789,525 (16.6% of all households, #39 highest)

14. Maryland

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Jacob L.
  • Single-parent households: 155,582 (6.8% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 127,870 (5.6% of all households, #10 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 27,712 (1.2% of all households, #35 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 439,055 (19.1% of all households, #14 highest)

13. Tennessee

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Kevin Ruck
  • Single-parent households: 182,430 (6.8% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 146,733 (5.5% of all households, #11 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 35,697 (1.3% of all households, #23 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 461,559 (17.3% of all households, #32 highest)

12. North Carolina

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Margaret.Wiktor
  • Single-parent households: 274,487 (6.8% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 226,955 (5.6% of all households, #9 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 47,532 (1.2% of all households, #32 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 716,925 (17.8% of all households, #26 highest)

11. Washington D.C.

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Daxiao Productions
  • Single-parent households: 21,228 (6.9% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 18,217 (5.9% of all households, #8 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 3,011 (1.0% of all households, #51 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 30,409 (9.8% of all households, #51 highest)

10. New Mexico

Photo credit: Shutterstock/turtix
  • Single-parent households: 56,543 (7.0% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 44,225 (5.5% of all households, #13 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 12,318 (1.5% of all households, #7 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 116,880 (14.7% of all households, #50 highest)

9. Nevada

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Khairil Azhar Junos
  • Single-parent households: 80,568 (7.0% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 60,752 (5.3% of all households, #19 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 19,816 (1.7% of all households, #1 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 193,514 (16.9% of all households, #36 highest)

8. South Carolina

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Kevin Ruck
  • Single-parent households: 139,613 (7.1% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 118,776 (6.0% of all households, #6 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 20,837 (1.1% of all households, #42 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 318,923 (16.1% of all households, #42 highest)

7. Oklahoma

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Rawpixel.com
  • Single-parent households: 106,678 (7.1% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 82,662 (5.5% of all households, #12 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 24,016 (1.6% of all households, #3 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 281,367 (18.7% of all households, #19 highest)

6. Alabama

Photo credit: Shutterstock/BJ Ray
  • Single-parent households: 135,930 (7.2% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 115,418 (6.1% of all households, #5 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 20,512 (1.1% of all households, #43 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 315,140 (16.6% of all households, #40 highest)

5. Arkansas

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Felix Mizioznikov
  • Single-parent households: 85,471 (7.3% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 69,852 (6.0% of all households, #7 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 15,619 (1.3% of all households, #27 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 207,198 (17.9% of all households, #25 highest)

4. Texas

Photo credit: Shutterstock/pitagchai
  • Single-parent households: 780,625 (7.7% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 640,866 (6.3% of all households, #4 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 139,759 (1.4% of all households, #10 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 2,279,656 (22.3% of all households, #2 highest)

3. Georgia

Photo credit: Shutterstock/LumineImages
  • Single-parent households: 308,490 (7.9% of all households)
  • Single mom households: 261,320 (6.7% of all households, #3 highest among states)
  • Single dad households: 47,170 (1.2% of all households, #33 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 733,323 (18.9% of all households, #17 highest)

2. Louisiana

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Trong Nguyen
  • Single-parent households: 147,074 (8.4% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 123,528 (7.1% of all households, #2 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 23,546 (1.3% of all households, #25 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 279,997 (16.0% of all households, #43 highest)

1. Mississippi

Photo credit: Shutterstock/Rawpixel.com
  • Single-parent households: 97,568 (8.8% of all households)
    • Single mom households: 85,434 (7.7% of all households, #1 highest among states)
    • Single dad households: 12,134 (1.1% of all households, #45 highest)
  • Married couple with kids households: 180,753 (16.3% of all households, #41 highest)

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