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Thursday 9 November 2023

Help Make Child Care More Accessible in Macomb County

If you’re a parent or caregiver wondering how you can help improve the child care programs in Macomb County, you can take a survey before Nov. 30, 2023.

Macomb County Planning and Economic Development has formed a coalition, Macomb County Child Care Coalition, to use the data from the survey to help increase quality programing in Macomb County.

Vicky Rowinski, Director of Macomb County Planning & Economic Development helps us understand why this survey is so important and how taking it can help bring the cost of child care down.

Why the survey is important

This child care coalition is extremely important to Macomb County for a variety of reasons — including the impact on the workforce and the effects on households with young children.

“Our goal with this survey is to find out what the barriers to child care are and why they exist so we can work on a local level to remove them,” says Rowinski. “It is therefore important that anyone dealing with these issues provide feedback so we can have an accurate picture of care in Macomb County.”

The results of the survey is of importance for the betterment of child care in Macomb County.

“We are dedicating a great portion of our time in discussions and learning about the real issues and challenges that face parents, child care operators and employers,” she explains. “We look forward to the next phase of the coalition where we begin working on solutions and recommendations to tackle the issues head on.”

How to take the survey

The survey can be taken online from a computer or phone and provides different surveys for employers, parents/caregivers and child care providers.

“Each survey should take no more than 10 minutes and individuals are encouraged to complete more than one, if appropriate, as a parent or guardian of a child, as the owner or manager of a child care program or as an employer whose workforce is impacted by child care issues,” says Rowinski.

Results from the survey will be shared with the coalition who will then determine what needs to change and can start implementing those changes.

How to join the coalition

Macomb County Planning and Economic Development is looking for additional members from the county to join the coalition.

“Our next meeting is Monday, November 13, 2023 and it will be a virtual meeting,” she says. “For more details and a link to the meeting, contact Jordan Blough-Orr by email jordan@data-driven-decisions.org.”

For more information on living and learning in Macomb County, visit Make Macomb Your Home.

from Metro Parent https://ift.tt/O4AQYwf


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